1. Introduction
This Order Cancellation Policy is designed to regulate the order cancellation process on the oiqy.com platform. This policy aims to provide legal certainty and protection for both parties, the Seller and the Buyer, in the event of order cancellation.
2. Order Cancellation Mechanism
2.1. Cancellation Initiation * Buyer: The Buyer may directly request an order cancellation from the Seller through the communication features provided on the platform. * Seller: The Seller may request an order cancellation from the Buyer through the communication features provided on the platform, for example, if the goods are out of stock or cannot be shipped.
2.2. Communication Process Both parties are expected to communicate well and understand each other regarding the reasons for cancellation and the desired solution. The platform will facilitate communication between the Seller and the Buyer through chat or messaging features.
2.3. Cancellation Agreement If both parties agree to cancel the order, the refund process will be carried out.
3. Refund * Refund Method: The Seller must refund the Buyer through the same payment method used for the initial transaction. * Refund Time: The time required for the refund process may vary depending on the payment method and the policies of each payment party. * Seller's Responsibility: The Seller is fully responsible for the refund process to the Buyer.
4. Special Conditions * Goods Already Shipped: If the goods have already been shipped and the Buyer still wants to cancel the order, the shipping fee will not be refunded. The Buyer is responsible for returning the goods to the Seller as agreed upon by both parties. * Damaged or Misdescribed Goods: If the goods received by the Buyer are damaged or do not match the product description, the Buyer is entitled to request a refund and/or replacement. The process follows the claim procedure established by the platform.
5. Dispute Resolution If there is a dispute between the Seller and the Buyer regarding order cancellation that cannot be resolved through mutual agreement, the platform has the right to mediate. If mediation is unsuccessful, both parties may resolve the dispute through legal channels.
6. Policy Changes This policy may change at any time without prior notice. Policy changes will be effective upon announcement on the platform.